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May 31, 2020

Greetings from MOHAWK TRAIL


posted: Oct. 5, 1954
North Adams, Mass.

(Sorry, I just can't read the handwriting.)

Hi Folks,
We are up here on a trip with Fred.
The leaves are all colored.
Hope someones hand is better.
Bye Mom, Velena

May 30, 2020

Greetings from MISSOURI


Missouri the "SHOW ME" State
M - Old Matt's cabin
I - Mark Twain famous writer and humorist
S - Prize Drive, U.S. 71, Ozarks
S - Bagnell Dam, Lake of the Ozarks
O - Boyhood home of Mark Twain, Hannibal
U - S.S. "Admiral" on the Mississippi
R - Beautiful Big Spring, Big Spring State Park
I - Memorial Tower, University of Missouri
State Capital - Jefferson City

May 29, 2020



Spanish Flag                1540 - 1699
French Flag                 1699 - 1763
Spanish Flag               1779 - 1803
British Flag                 1763 - 1779
United States Flag      1803 - 1861
Flag of Republic         1861
Confederate Flag        1861 - 1865
United States Flag thereafter

I don't think I have eve sent you a card like this one before.  
But I got a few more cards when we went to Haleyville 
last month, and thought I would send you one.

May 28, 2020



posted: Aug 24, 1942
Jackson, Miss.

Dear Marie,
Very glad to hear from you.  Have you had much rain, has rained every day since July 15.  I'm going to Ala. to spend three weeks.  Will have some Ala. cards to send you.  Write soon for I love to hear from you.  Love, Martha

May 27, 2020

Greetings frrom BOSTON


Boston not only is famous for its "Beans" but is recognized as the commercial and industrial center of New England.  The Historic associations of Boston are a patriotic inspiration to people from all over the United States, and its educational facilities rank among the highest

May 25, 2020

Greetings from FLORIDA

Nickname - Everglade State
1940 Population - 1,897,414
Area in Sq. Miles
Entered Union Mar. , 1845

posted: June 8,1956

Hello from Florida,
Have sun, quite a lot of nice things here.
Have eater and also picked some oranges
- tangerines from the tree.
The Elders

May 24, 2020


A Message from COLORFUL 
Colorado is the state where the Rockies reach their greatest height in the United States,  Colorado is America's summer playground where in the cool depths of the mountains visitors enjoy the beauty and solace of the pines, the snow capped peaks and the delightful lakes and streams.  
In Colorado is found romantic old time mining cities, miles of thrilling fishing, thrilling highways through the mountains and the delights of camping in the cool quiet peace of unspoiled nature.

May 22, 2020

Greetings from CONNECTICUT


Nickname - Nutmeg State
1940 Population - 1,709,242
Area in Sq. Miles - 4,965
Entered the Union Jan. 9, 1788

May 21, 2020

Greetings from ST. AUGUSTINE


Oldest continuous settlement in the U.S..  Scene of the landing of Ponce de Leon, Cradle of American civilization.  A city from 
it's beginning to the present and once the only city in this broad land.

May 20, 2020

Greetings from the ROCKY MTS.


posted: Feb. 9, 1945
Denver, Colo. Terminal

Hi Scoop,
Well I am in Denver and will be here for an hour.  I have a seat and got a little sleep last night.  I get to California Sunday morning at 7 O'clock.  So will make it back swell.  Hope you and Pop are OK 
Little Scoop

May 19, 2020

Greetings from DATONA BEACH



posted: May 12, 1948
Daytona Beach

Don't know what this says 
of if i spelled it correctly.
Wszystko w 
gardgo piekna 
okolica nad 

May 18, 2020

Greetigs from WORCESSTER



posted: Oct. 4, 1948
Worcester, Mass.

Hi, How is everything up in Concord?  I meant to drop you a note sooner, but this is the first time I got close enough to post-cards to buy them.  You should see this place!  Not like our
hospital. You should really drive down and see me some day.  What do you say?

May 17, 2020

Greetings from FLORIDA

Florida land of sunshine, is the Winter Playground of the nation.  Every know form of outdoor pleasuring is pursued without the
necessity of considering winter conditions - for winter skies are always smiling and December breezes are as balmy as May.

posted: Dec. 26, 1958
Hollywood, Florida

Doesn't seem like Christmas here.  We have been to the beach and out for a drive.  Wish you could see the pretty Flowers.  Bet you are having a big time today; but how is Norma ? Wish I could hear from her.  Can it be possible that is is cold up there?  Slim and I sat in the park yesterday afternoon, no sweater.  Happy New Year and Love, Goldie

May 16, 2020

Greetings from PADUCAH


Key to Views
P - Chief Paduke
A - Hotel Irvin Cobb
D - Birthplace of Irvin S Cobb
U - McCracken County Courthouse 
C - Church of St. Francis De Sales
A - Tilghman High School
H - U.S. Post Office and Court House

May 14, 2020

Greetings from KENTUCKY


Kentucky (a Cherokee Indian word meaning Prairie) the Blue Grass State, with its scenic, romantic and historic interest welcomes you.  See the birthplace of Lincoln; visit the subterranean wonders of Mammoth Cave, the vast tobacco plantations, the home of Man O' War and other famous thoroughbreds, Natural Bridge and other delightful spots.

May 13, 2020

Greetings from Atlanta


posted: June 27, 1940

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Griffin
Joyce and I have just arrived in Atlanta.  We have about two and a half more hours to wait before leaving for West.  Joyce is feeling fine and she didn't get sick we will write again when we get home Love, Mickey

May 12, 2020

Greetings from OKLAHOMA


posted: August 26, 1942
Norman Oklahoma

I have a L.L. Greeting from your State?  Am trying for one from each State and a card of each Capital.  Have 250 cards now.  Am also collecting little elephants but they are hard to find here. Sincerely, Mrs. RR Baker

May 10, 2020

Greetings from OHIO


Nickname -Buckeye State
1940 Population - 6,907,612
Area in Sq. Miles - 41,040
Entered the Union, Mar. 1, 1803

May 8, 2020

Greetings from Niagara Falls


Niagara one time presented the spectacle of one solid wall of water emptying the entire river but centuries of erosion have diverted the flow until now, and for many years beyond the memory of man, the cataract is divided into what are known as Horse Show Falls and American Falls.  It has fallen to the lot of the United States (because of the deeper channel that forms the boundary line between this country and Canada) to acquire a great share of the Falls, as well also, quite three-fourths of the islands in the Niagara River.

May 7, 2020

Greetings from CHAUTAUQUA LAKE


posted: June 6, 1940
Jamestown N.Y.

Dear Mary,
Was so glad to hear that you are feeling some better.  Hope you keep gaining and don't work to hard in getting settled.  Hope you can have some help.  A.B.S.

May 6, 2020



posted: 11/13/1939 
Alexandria Bay, N.Y.

Having a great time and am over on our soil again.  Did you know that I met the American Admiral at Quebec?  We had a chat and he introduced me to his wife.

May 2, 2020

Greetings from MONTANA

pub: KROPP

Key to views
M - Montana State Capitol, Helena
O - Fishing is Great in Montana
N - Bear
T - Highest Stack in World, Anaconda, near Butte
A - Baring Falls, Glacier National Park
N - Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park
A - State University, Missoula

Only Texas and California are larger than Montana, area 146,997 square miles, three times as large as New york.  Forest area as large as Pennsylvania.