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I Love Zazzle

I Love Zazzle

Aug 28, 2012

Dear Momma,

This card is fascinating.  I think it is a work of art.  Mildred turned the post card upside down to write her letter.
How she ever wrote so small is a mystery to me.
Thought you might enjoy her story.
It starts on the back side with...
New Year's Night, 1954
Dear Momma,
I believe that if I could go to the post office and get cards, I wold have some. But I hate to get them from the mailman and forget to do so. Your letter came Monday. We had gone to call on our neighbors, the Davises, down the road. This has been a very disturbing week with callers, and calling some chicken buyers. A man wanted to buy all our culls but hasn't come for them yet. Ralph has sold six fat hens individually from $1.80 to $2.24 each. He has a sign on the lawn. Papa's socks were not very dressy can't he wear them every day when it is warm enough? The frost just nips things a little. Of course, we cover the beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries. He sprinkles the banana trees before sunrise. Can you notice the days are a little longer? You don't need to look again, but do I have a tablecloth. There was none in the house. We used a little square lunch cloth that was here. Our table top is about 55 by 31 inches, so is too crowded to show my doilies. Last Sunday Evanses went to the Lutheran Church with us. We had a grand service and the decorations were beautiful. Mrs. Black would have taken us to a watch party at the Christian Church but we did not go. Today we heard some of the Rose Bowl Game and some of the Tangerine Bowl game here in Orlando. I don't believe I told you we got a package from Harolds, a nice pair of stockings for me and two pairs of embroidered socks for Ralph. They are very nice. That day we went shopping we had bought a billfold for Ralph for his birthday and a pair of stockings for mine. So mom I will have stockings to last me a long time. Saturday - We washed. It is getting cloudy and warmer. 77* expected. Ralph has some sore throat. The man is here for chickens. Will be hearing from you.
Mildred and Ralph
The man did not want the hens which Ralph wanted to sell.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have a couple of those cards that my mother brought back from New Orleans. My Uncle liked to send postcards and I started saving them when I became interested in postcards. He always sent chromes and he seemed to pick out interesting ones. I still have them.


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