I thought I would take a moment and try something new.
Hope I get it right.

SUNDAY STAMPS IS POSTED BY VIRIDIAN EACH WEEK AT http://viridianpostcard.blogspot.com
The theme this week is Bo-o-o-o-ring Stamps.
I collect Linen Post Cards so most of the stamps I see are from a period between the 1930s and 1950s.
a landslide the most common and now boring stamp I see is the stamp
below. It is a shame that even George becomes boring after so many
Reprinted from Wikipedia:
On April 25, 1938 the US Post Office issued a green 1-cent
George Washington stamp. It was the first stamp of the famous
Presidential Series of 1938,
an issue that placed all of the deceased presidents in numerical order,
and thus represented a break with the long-standing tradition of
reserving the normal letter-rate definitive stamp for Washington.
Instead, this Washington issue saw postal duty carrying postcards and
letters through the late 1950s. The 1938 Presidential issue was
Franklin Roosevelt's
idea. An avid stamp collector, Roosevelt suggested a set of stamps that
would pay tribute to the various past American presidents. In 1937,
after much debate, a new definitive series was issued using Roosevelt's
ideas. A national contest was held, with over 1200 entries submitted, a
young New York City art student's entry was chosen for the Washington
stamp design. The student's name was Elaine Rawlinson.